Recipe: Soothing Tea for Sore Throats

A lot of things I do, require an active voice, and I am prone to Bronchitis, this recipe is an adaption on a theme, originally created by Mrs Hazel-McGown. Trust me it works and will keep you shouting or singing or whatever.


  • Hot diluting squash (preferably orange, pineapple, and lemon)
  • A pinch of Komodo Dragon chili powder
  • A pinch of black pepper
  • A pinch of ginger powder
  • A pinch of turmeric
  • A teaspoon of honey
  • An orange slice


  1. Combine the hot diluting squash, chili powder, ginger powder, turmeric, and honey in a glass mug.
  2. Pour boiling water over the ingredients.
  3. Add an orange slice for garnish.
  4. Let the tea steep until it reaches a comfortable drinking temperature.

Dependent on your personal tolerances you can add more black pepper and more chili pepper to your tastes.

The post Recipe: Soothing Tea for Sore Throats appeared first on HavensWell.

Marcus Hazel-McGown - MM0ZIF
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Hi I am Marcus, MM0ZIF, a licenced Radio Amateur, Doctor of Musicology, amateur weather enthusiast. I over the years have been a Amateur Radio Tutor, Examiner, and a Regional Manager for the Radio Society of Great Britain.

This site is dedicated more towards Amateur Radio and Weather, with an angle on Technology too. I also maintain which is my other blog which is more aimed at cooking, hobbies and life in general as well as businness and networking.

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